Antidiscrimination policy

Kees Werkt strives to make an active and positive contribution to the labour market. When it comes to recruitment, we look at skills and intrinsic motivation to find the best candidate for a vacancy. Obviously, age, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, political or religious beliefs, race, ethnic origin or nationality should not play a role in this.

Definition of discrimination

Discrimination means making a direct or indirect distinction between persons based on age, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, political or religious beliefs, race, ethnic origin or nationality.
Discrimination is expressly understood to include responding to requests from clients to distinguish between persons in recruitment and selection on the basis of criteria that are not necessary or irrelevant to the proper filling of the position.

The policy of KEES Werkt

We reject any form of discrimination.
Requests by clients to take certain criteria into account during recruitment and selection will only be honoured in case of an objective justification.
Objective justification exists if selection is based on the requested criteria:

  • serves a legitimate purpose; Meaning there is a good, job-related reason to select on the relevant criteria (an example of a legitimate purpose is security);
  • results in the achievement of the legitimate purpose;
  • is reasonably proportionate to the purpose (i.e. proportional);
  • is necessary because there is no other, less discriminating way to achieve the purpose (the necessity criterion).

We also do not tolerate discriminatory treatment of our (office) employees, or the temp workers under the management and supervision of the client/hiring company.

Actions by our (office) employees

Our employees have their own responsibility to be alert to requests from (potential) clients of a discriminatory nature, to recognise such requests and ensure that they are not cooperated with.

If the employee has doubts about whether or not there is objective justification for a client's request to select on the basis of certain criteria, or has questions about how to deal with a (potentially) discriminatory request, the employee can consult his or her manager or, if desired, the board.

If the employee identifies and wishes to raise discrimination, report wrongdoing or misconduct and/or has a confidentiality issue, the employee can contact their manager or, if desired, the board.

Responsibilities of KEES Werkt as an employer

As an employer, we are responsible for:

  • creating a safe working climate, where we treat each other with respect, there is room for openness and constructive consultation and undesirable behaviour in any form is prevented and dealt with;
  • familiarity with and implementation of the anti-discrimination policy. This includes ensuring that employees are informed about and familiar with the policy, are taught how to recognise and deal with discrimination and discriminatory requests;
  • evaluation and possible adjustment of the anti-discrimination policy.


As a small size organisation, we work closely together and every employee is familiar with the anti-discrimination policy. Additional measures become more important as the (internal) organisation grows. To further secure the antidiscrimination policy even then, we take the following measures: 

  • every employee is familiar with the ABU's information website;
  • the antidiscrimination policy is a recurring agenda item at the periodic work meetings;
  • new employees must commit to the antidiscrimination policy;
  • our clients are aware of our working method and of the fact that we reject requests of a discriminatory nature.

Complaints procedure

If someone has a complaint about discrimination, or wants to report other undesirable behaviour from (branch) employees, temp workers or third parties, this can be done via The complaint will go directly to the board of Kees Werkt, who will give the complaint all the attention it needs.

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